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Providing support and volunteers for all CF Band students

Use "CheddarUp" to sign up electronically for band booster membership. Use this LINK.




President: Nikki Thomas

Vice President: Jennifer Rusch

Secretary: Matthew Nuese

Treasurer: Kelley Gaylen

Cedar Falls Band Boosters exists to provide financial support for the Cedar Falls Schools Band program and to assist the band directors of the Cedar Falls Schools in their efforts to provide a quality experience through personal involvement in music. All parents and friends of the band are encouraged to become members.


Meetings are typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the High School band room. Email a director if you have any questions.


The Band Boosters funding recently helped purchase new HS marching band uniforms in 2012, and they make an annual contribution to the Band trip taken every three years. Additionally, they have worked to commission a new work for jazz band, purchased new instruments for the HS marching band, helped fund extra trips and dinners for Peet Jr. High to perform at IBA in 2015, and helped to purchase a bassoon for Holmes Junior High. They also contribute to guest band clinicians at all schools grades 5-12 in the CF District.

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